• Top 10 Tips and Tricks for Coffee Brewing

    Mmm, there's nothing like freshly brewed coffee in the morning. For some people, coffee is the number one must have, and if you are one of those lucky people that can't stop loving coffee in the morning then you'll be pleased to know there are other ways to brew coffee.

    There are so many takes on how to brew coffee - from decorative foam to French presses. In this article we present our top ten tips and tricks for brewing coffee. Enjoy your next cup of hot joe!


    1. Decorating your own lattes

    with some practice it's possible for anyone at home to decorate their coffee in a way they probably thought only baristas could pull off. Baristas make it look simple, and if you do it then you can also get great and positive results - especially since you are not a barista who's being rushed to perform four jobs at once.

    The trick is to work with the milk and make it frothy without any big bubbles and then pour it into the coffee cup at an angle.

    2. Buy fresh whole bean coffee

    Don't buy the pre-ground coffee. Buy fresh beans. Most coffee companies don't bother with dates for when the beans were packaged - it's likely the beans were left there for months after picking. Fresh coffee goes off pretty quickly. To find fresh beans, it's best to check coffee shops, and some coffee shops will roast them right there, and that means fresher coffee for a great brew.

    pre-roasted coffee beans also mean the beans are discharging more carbon dioxide, meaning that the escaping gases remove more flavor from the coffee than freshly grounded and roasted beans.

    3. Use good quality water


    The quality of your water matters when it gets to the time for you to brew coffee. Hard water, which is full of extra minerals, won't bond as well to the coffee that's brewing, which leads to a weak coffee and not what you were hoping for. Worse, using this high content mineral water could result in limescale build up in your coffee maker. If you use this type of water then you will need to descale your coffee machine regularly, something you do not want.

    Heavily filtered water can also lead to other problems when you brew coffee, but lightly filtered water will be perfect. Also, the best temperature for water for brewing coffee is 88 to 94 degrees centigrade.


    4. How to cold-brew for a different flavor to your coffee


    Cold brewing your coffee is a great option if you love iced-coffee and want to avoid buying pricey iced-coffee.

    There are many ways to brew coffee that can be iced, but there are also machines that make this possible. A benefit is that this method eliminates the acids that coffee produces. This method also brings out different ranges of flavor for the coffee lover to indulge in, however some dislike it because there is no acidity.

    Alternatively, you can use a special jar, called a mason jar. It's really easy - you just take your ground coffee, pour it into the jar, and then pour in cold water before placing the water into your fridge for 12 to 24 hours. When it's ready, just strain the grounds out and serve with ice. Give it a try!

    Also, if you want to sweeten it up, add a caramel syrup, or something similar.


    5. Measure your coffee out

    When you begin to brew coffee, figure out which ratio of the coffee you measure out is the strongest, and which one is the weakest so then you get a great coffee experience without weakening it or making it too strong for your tastes.

    The most common ratio is 1 liter of water to 60 grams of ground coffee, and the easiest way to get this is to simply measure the coffee out on a set of scales, however, it's also possible to measure it out by simply measuring out 60 grams by using a spoon.


    6. Pre-infusion, or the bloom

    Always make sure that you remove the carbon dioxide from the coffee grounds or your brew will be weak. If you've got a coffee machine, make sure it's got a setting that covers this, and make sure it's always on.

    Coffee blooms are common in coffee shops. It's created by the roasting procedure, and the heart causes carbon dioxide to be captured by the bean and trapped. When the roasting is completed the gases are discharged slowly. This is called "degassing." Ideally, if you use freshly roasted beans, the coffee will have more flavor than roasted and ground beans that have been left untouched for days.


    7. Brewing and diluting for weaker coffee

    If you want to brew coffee, that's great, don't brew it for too long, just increase how much ground coffee you have already. If, however, you prefer it weaker, then simply don't brew it for a shorter time but rather brew it correctly and then you dilute it to drink afterwards.


    8. Tips for using filter paper

    If you prefer to use filter paper to brew the coffee grounds then gently pour hot water over the filter paper so that it is wet before use. This will remove the likelihood of getting that papery/cardboard like taste in your mouth that you'd likely get if you just pour the water over the coffee grounds if the paper is dry before you start. If you pre-wet the paper, then you'll clean it and get rid of that papery taste, meaning you'll still have a great tasting cup of coffee.

    When you're brewing a cup of coffee with this method, pour the hot water over the coffee grounds in a circular motion so that the water from the coffee slowly appears in the pot. This is called the bloom. Keep pouring more water slowly over the grounds, let it take its time to seep, and then wait for the coffee to collect at the bottom of the pot.


    9. Flavored coffees

    If you prefer your coffee to have different tastes, for instance a bit of cinnamon, nutmeg, or vanilla or almond extracts, then pour some of those extracts into the cream or milk. Sprinkle some cinnamon or nutmeg over the coffee, or you could even sprinkle some other ground spices like cardamom for a coffee which is more spiced and different than the type you know.






















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  • Unusual Facts About Coffee

    There are many unusual facts about coffee and some are very surprising. Everyone probably knows by now that coffee beans were discovered in Ethiopia by a goatherd around 800 AD. He noticed that his goats became more frisky, after eating the 'berries' on a particular bush. He investigated and discovered coffee beans. How he managed to brew his first coffee after that is a matter of speculation.

    You know perhaps that antioxidants are very beneficial to us. They can halt the aging process and combat those free radicals that can cause cancer. Red wine, grape juice, and green tea are rich in antioxidants, but a mug of coffee has more antioxidants in it than a mug of grape juice. Who would have thought it?

    Apart from oil, coffee is the most traded commodity in the world. Americans usually start their day with a coffee and actually consume around 400 million cups of it per day. It was first taken to New York, then called New Amsterdam, in the mid 17th century. It was not hugely popular until after 1773 and the Boston Tea Party when the colonists threw chests of tea into the sea at Boston harbour. Before this, tea was as popular in America as it was in Britain. Increases in taxes saw its popularity decline.


    The most expensive coffee in the world isn't Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. It's a rare coffee called Kopi Luwak which costs around 600 US dollars a pound, although prices fluctuate as they do with other commodities. The really surprising thing about this coffee is that the beans are eaten first of all by a Sumatran wildcat. They are only used after the cat has excreted them.

    Coffee has had its ups and downs over the centuries, and it was banned in Mecca in the early 16th century, as it was believed that it could stimulate radical thinking. Italian clerics also tried to ban it in the same century as they thought that it was satanic, but this attempt was doomed to failure as the pope, Clement VII, loved the beverage and removed the ban. He even went so far as to have coffee baptized!

    Coffee is almost the national drink of Turks now, but the Ottoman emperor Murad IV, imposed punishments on people who drank coffee, which included them being thrown into the sea or beaten.

    In Europe, the Swedes declared all coffee-making equipment illegal in 1746 and then in 1777, in Prussia Frederick the Great declared that beer was superior to coffee as he wanted to prevent the possible collapse of the beer industry.

    It is clear that since its discovery coffee has been both loved and hated.






















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  • Why Does Coffee Make Me ?Tired? Shouldn't It Wake Me Up?

    Because coffee (and the caffeine it contains) is a stimulant the body produces cortisol when we drink it. Cortisol is a 'stress' hormone which prompts us to wake up every morning. It also helps us when we are in the fight or flight mode. When this happens the body reacts by releasing its energy stores which are normally reserved for use when we need to fight to survive. This is why we have a surge of energy which is responsible for giving us the extra strength we need to ensure our survival when we are faced with a dangerous situation. If our store of energy is not replaced, we feel drained when the boost we experienced because of our caffeine intake has dissipated. The caffeine in our coffee will use up our muscle glucose and so our blood sugar level falls. This loss of blood sugar can cause us to feel sad, tired, or irritable.

    There are other possible reasons for experiencing tiredness after an intake of caffeine. One of these is that you are stressed or exhausted, or both, so the crash that usually comes after drinking coffee is exacerbated.

    Another possible reason is that you suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). If you do you have probably realized that you react to stimulants the way other people react to depressants.

    Another possibility is that you usually drink coffee in particular circumstances and perhaps you drink it with a certain food or even with another drink which makes you feel sleepy. In such a case you notice your reaction to coffee, but it isn't the actual cause of your tiredness. You will need to stop eating some foods to find out which could be the problem ones. Eliminate all those which could potentially be causing your problem for a month. You should also stop drinking coffee for the same period. Then you can reintroduce coffee into your life slowly. Try drinking your usual amount of coffee for one day only and monitor your reactions. If you don't react, coffee isn't your problem.

    If coffee isn't the problem, you may need to monitor your intake of caffeine which is contained in high-energy drinks. In fact, the less you consume them, the better for your body.






















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  • Who Should Be Drinking Coffee?

    Scientists have long believed that coffee is beneficial to our health. It helps our heart function normally and now scientists believe that we should drink four shots of espresso per day or cups of coffee containing equivalent amounts of caffeine. This idea was put forward by a group of German researchers who found that coffee affects the cells in our blood vessels, making them perform as though they were younger than they are. Older adults can this benefit from the stimulus that coffee provides to their cells.

    The results of two major studies of coffee drinkers, one carried out in the US by the National Institutes of Health studied more than 400,000 people and the other conducted in Europe studied 521,330 people. Both found that people who drink coffee are less likely to die from heart disease. This particular finding debunks the old myth that people with heart problems shouldn't drink coffee.

    Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of cirrhosis of the liver, a lower risk of developing some cancers, a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and are less likely to suffer from depression than people who don't drink the brew.

    But what if you don't like the taste of coffee? Green tea might be the answer to this question as it contains similar amounts of caffeine.

    A word of warning though before you overdo your intake of caffeine. Too much caffeine can make your heart beat faster, and cause other health problems. Different people have different reactions to caffeine. One person might easily be able to drink four or five cups of coffee a day, while another person might suffer adverse effects. Scientists have also said that as caffeine can be responsible for making blood vessels grow, this can have the effect of giving more oxygen to boost cancerous tumors. So if you have been diagnosed with cancer, stay away from coffee.

    Cardiologists say that coffee may (it hasn't yet been proven) reduce arrhythmias in those who have irregular heartbeats. Coffee is not the answer, in itself, to living a long life. Everyone should exercise regularly and eat healthy food. Avoid additives and preservatives as well as food that has been sprayed with herbicides and pesticides. Eat organic produce, even if it is more expensive, if you want to improve your chances of living to a ripe old age.

    Coffee is not a panacea, but research studies have found that it can improve longevity and lower the risk of contracting certain diseases.






















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  • Should You Eat Coffee Grounds?

    Should You Eat Coffee Grounds?

    You may find the thought of eating coffee grounds unpalatable, but they are full of antioxidants also called dietary phenolic compounds. These compounds promote heart health, perhaps more so than drinking coffee.

    Antioxidants combat free radicals in the body which can cause cancer. They also help to protect our skin from the aging process.

    Antioxidants can be found in many fresh foods. For example, spinach, beets, red cabbage, artichokes, kale, raspberries, strawberries, and pecans. Even dark chocolate is a source of antioxidants. In fact, it contains more antioxidants than blueberries and raspberries. If you eat cocoa-rich products such as dark chocolate, they can lower your blood pressure.

    Coffee grounds are also useful for other things, so don't waste them. If you really don't think you could eat them (and why should you?) there are many things that you can do with them.

    In the garden, coffee grounds are an excellent bug repellent, and nutritious for plants like roses. They are also a fertilizer and you can add wood ash or lime to the grounds to make a really good fertilizer. If you have a compost heap, add your coffee grounds to it because they are rich in nitrogen. It seems that worms are attracted to the grounds and so the soil in your garden will benefit from their activity.

    Did you know that carrots just adore coffee grounds? If you mix your coffee grounds with your carrot seeds, you'll boost their growth. You'll get bigger and better carrots than ever before.

    You can use the grounds in the house too. They absorb smells, so if you put some in an open container, they will neutralize food smells in your fridge and freezer. You can happily leave the container for a few weeks and the grounds will continue to work their magic.

    The grounds are abrasive, so if you have stubborn stains on your kitchen counters, you can sprinkle some grounds onto a cleaning cloth (preferably an old one) you can scrub the counters without damaging them. You can also use them to clean dishes which have food stains that are tough to shift.

    If you make your own candles, you can add the grounds to the wax and make coffee-scented candles.

    You can even use coffee grounds to exfoliate your skin or make a facial with them. If you add the grounds to warm water and add a natural oil, you will have an excellent exfoliator. For a facial mix, try mixing 2 tablespoons of grounds to the same quantity of cocoa powder, a tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoons of heavy cream or whole milk.





















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