• Regular Vs Specialty Coffee

    Coffee lovers have two options regular or specialty. What is different in specialty coffee that regular one does not have and why do people care?

    The journey of a coffee bean is a long and complicated one. The coffee bean goes through a number of stages during which it is ruined our tuned into a flavourful coffee. The ruined bean could turn a whole coffee container taste like bitter urine. Yes, you read it right.

    Let's make it clear, in the present world; the regular coffee is just a bad quality produced coffee which lacks transparency and sustainability. As a result it gives you an unpleasant coffee experience with its bad taste and not so out-of -this-world-feeling. On the other hand, specialty coffee guarantees the quality throughout the stages of production from bean to cup.

    Moreover, the specialty coffee is good for you in many ways besides its taste. You have possibly gone through studies regarding health benefits of coffee from reduced risk of various cancers, Alzheimer's, dementia to diabetes. On the other hand, drinking regular coffee can lead to worst side effects which affect your body from head to toe.


    So how would you choose your coffee now? How would you know if you are having a regular or the specialty coffee? There is only one way to understand this and that is the comprehension of the production details of the coffee from its seeding to brewing.


    Growth and Processing


    It starts with a coffee bean, the same seed that your coffee is brewed from. Initially an unprocessed coffee bean is planted which has to be of supreme quality which has to be planted in the right time at the right place for the production of supreme quality coffee. There are two groups of coffee Robusta and Softer Arabica, but they are easy to grow. Generally, all the types of specialty coffee are produced by top quality seeds of Arabica.


    After three to four years, the coffee tree gives its first fruit i.e. coffee beans which can be harvested. Generally, coffee beans are picked by hands through selective pick or strip pick. Strip picking is done quickly but it involves picking all the berries of the trees simultaneously. Selective pick is more time consuming but results are better as only the beans that are near ripeness are picked and raw beans are left.

    After the stage of picking comes the stage of processing. This has to be done as quickly as possible to avoid spoilage. There are three ways to process the coffee beans, Wet, Semi & Dry

    In the dry method, we spread coffee beans to dry them out into a larger surface under the sun. In the wet method, the coffee beans pulp is removed and we keep the beans to ferment in the tanks. After that we wash them with water. This is the most crucial stage of processing where most of the mistakes are made. Bad fermenting and washing can result in bad bitter taste of the coffee which cannot be removed later.

    After drying the coffee beans, we separate them by weight and size. In this process, we 

    remove all the bad colour and damaged seeds. It is important to remove the bad quality bean as it can ruin your whole coffee with adding sour vinegar like taste. After separation, the green coffee beans are kept ion sisal or jute bags to be shipped for roasting.



    When the coffee beans arrive for roasting, we test them for the colour. The taster also known as the cupper details the quality. Right after visual approvals the roasting, smelling, brewing, slurping and quality test is done which is again approved by cupper to start the roasting of the rest of the beans.

    We roast bean at around 230-260 degrees celsius. We keep the beans moving while they are roasted. When the inner temperature is reached to 230 Degrees, the beans' oil emerges. The beans change the colour from green to brown and the coffee beans reaches to the highest level of aroma. After the completion of the process, the beans are set to cool down through air or water. Now the beans are ready to be brewed for 2-30 days as the aroma begins to fade after that. Higher quality specialty coffee is most of the time gives excellent tastes even after the given time but the regular coffee is hopeless.


    Grinding And Brewing

    The beans can be bought in whole shape or we can get them grinded. Although grinded beans make a huge difference while extracting all the flavour within no time for a perfect cup of coffee. We grind the beans finer for espresso and keep them coarse for filtered brewing.






















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  • 4 Things That Make a Good Coffee Shop

    I have traveled all over the country. And with every place I've visited, I've sipped on my favorite beverage, coffee, in many different coffee shops. I have never been a person to just stop at the nearest coffee chain for my coffee fix either. I've always been one to look for the "mom and pop" type coffee place. The places whose character is formed by the owners, staff and those who frequent the shop.


    Below are the top four things I think create a coffee shop's character and make it what it is.



    To me, music can impact anything. Your mood, your energy, and well, your coffee shop. Music can greatly enhance or totally destroy the vibe of a cafe. I feel like a coffee shop should be consistent in the type of music it plays to its customers. If it plays calming acoustic music one day, but dance music the next, customers may not know what to expect. While variety can be a great thing, attracting a consistent type of customer base might not work out so well if a shop's music is too diverse. A perfect example of not being consistent is when one of my favorite coffee shops played electronic music consistently and then one day blared vulgar rap music. I had to leave so I could get my work done.


    A friendly staff is super important. My everyday shop is about 50% related to the fact that I know the staff and feel comfortable at the shop. They know my name, what I drink and all about me.



    The atmosphere of a shop is everything. It's created by the people in it, the music, the shop's design and the art on the wall. All of these things work together create an energy and a vibe. Personally, I like consistency. Also, I like a combination of coziness with an eclectic feel. Pictures, paintings, and displays of collectibles are some of my favorites. Also, here's one that's important, temperature. One of the most popular coffee chains I can think of seems to want to freeze their customers out by jacking up the air conditioner. That's a great way to ruin everything.























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  • The Wonders of Strong Coffee

    Those who have to like for strong coffee, then they will surely love the Blue Mountain Coffee. Cultivated in extreme conditions and roasted using strict methods, Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is known for their mild flavour and lack of bitterness. While the Jamaican coffee has grown in popularity over the decades, it is the most sought type by espresso companies, cafeterias and also households. That is not only because of its great taste but a myriad of health benefits. Here, take a look at the some of them to have an idea of what wonders a strong coffee can do to your health.


    #1 Gives energy and helps fight diseases

    A cup of strong coffee bears a lot of nutrients and vitamins. Besides, there are tons of antioxidants which help in detoxifying the body of the consumers. The caffeine has been a great influence on the immune system and has the ability to ward off diseases. It blocks all the pathways that inflammatory molecules.


    #2 Helps burn fat

    Caffeine also affects the metabolism of the body and results in the rise in the oxidation of fatty acids in the body. It helps the drinkers with the appetite suppression, which means they feel less hungry and will eventually eat less.


    #3 Stimulates brain function

    The Blue Mountain Coffee of Jamaica will not only keep you awake but will also help your brain function more. Its caffeine acts as a pure stimulant and restricts certain functions so that the neural brain functioning is accelerated. Thus, one cup of coffee will let you think better, react on situations promptly, take decisions and strengthens memory and cognitive activities.


    #4 Lowers the risk of Diabetes

    According to researchers, strong coffee helps fight the two kinds of diabetes if one drinks 3-4 cups of coffee daily. Approximately, it reduces the chances of diabetes by 22-24%.


    #5 Prevents Alzheimer's disease

    Evidence and studies have also proved that strong coffee drinkers who drink 3-4 cups habitually every day tend to suffer less from Alzheimer's disease due to its caffeine content.


    #6 Lowers the risk of Cancer

    Even if it was once claimed that coffee is a carcinogen, recent studies have shown that it actually lowers down the risks of cancers.Regular drinkers of strong and quality coffee have near about 40% of fewer risks to develop any kind of cancers, especially skin, liver and prostate.

    Well, the list does not end here! There are more benefits of health, revolving the strong coffee. And, Jamaican coffee surely counts in. So, the next time anyone asks you why you drink so much of coffee, or why you are an addicted drinker? Show them these benefits.






















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  • Preparation of Black Coffee: The Perfect Bliss for Your Health

    Black coffee may have a pungent taste, especially to those who are used to drinking coffee with loads of milk and sugar. But, the good it does it to your health is unmatchable with the health perks you drinking a sweetened creamy cappuccino. Just one cup every day, will get your metabolism high, burn calories, detoxify your body and leaves you with full of energy. Moreover, having black coffee before the workout will precisely enhance all these effects. While it's time for you to acknowledge the health benefits of pure black coffee, here is a quick guide on how to prepare a perfect cup of the same.


    Choosing the beans

    Choosing beans that are finely roasted is no doubt the most essential step for you to prepare a cup of flawless black coffee. So, when you head to the market try finding out a store that assures you of best beans with minimum mix blend. Go for the beans that are freshly roasted, i.e. is not near to its expiry date.


    Take care of the grinding process


    To derive absolutely the best taste and benefits of black coffee, you need to grind the beans on your own. This is the only way you can control the size of the beans. Otherwise, the coffee drink is more likely to taste bitter. You can choose from two types of grinders i.e. Burr and blade. While Burr is costly and grinds beans into the size of sugar grains, Blade is quite a reasonably priced and chops beans unevenly. So, for uniform beans, which produces a good drink, you need to go for Burr.


    Coffee-water ratio

    The ratio is important to make sure the taste isn't too bitter or too placid. While you're pouring the hot water over the grinds, maintain the ratio of 1:3 (2 tbsps of coffee with 6 ounces of water). Further, pour water at the ideal temperature which is 200 degrees, because too hot or too cold can ruin your brew.


    Proper brewing method

    The last but the most crucial step is choosing the right brewing technique. While Drip brewing and French Press are the two most basic yet effective methods, you need to follow the one that suits your preference. Drip brewing needs a standard machine with a pot and a basket with a coffee filter to put all the coffee grind. Adding up water automatically does all the job. On the other hand, the French press is the old manual method where you need to wait longer before hot water seeps through grinds and need to handle press to separate them.

    Despite the bitter taste and pungent flavour, black coffee wins over the creamy latte. The benefits one can get cover up its dreadful taste. However, try going through these simple steps the next time you want to brew a perfect cup of black for yourself or your loved ones.






















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  • Top Coffee Percolator Brands and Why Users Love Them

    Percolation is just one of a few ways to brew coffee. Other methods include French press and auto drip. While all of them result to a caffeinated drink that many of us love, the taste they produce have been contended with for many years.

    Looking at the pros and cons of each method would have been a nice read while consuming your cup of coffee, but we'll just keep it brief and focus on coffee percolators in this post.

    Percolator coffee pots are generally built with or without its own heat source. The ones with a built-in heat source are electrically powered. You just plug them in and you're good to go. On the contrary, the ones without a heat source are typically place on a stove or a campfire. They are ideal for outdoor use and perhaps, the only kind coffee machine that you can use off the grid.

    Now, let's look at the most sought after coffee percolator brands and find out why end users love them.

    Farberware Classic Stainless Steel Yosemite Coffee Percolator


    Type: Stovetop

    Capacity: 8-cup or 12-cup variants

    Material: Stainless steel

    Filter: Permanent basket


    The Farberware brand has existed since 1899 and is an established name in the cookware industry. The Yosemite is Farberware's attempt at bringing back to basics the passionate beverage drinkers of today. The company claims that brewing coffee this way extracts a fuller and richer flavor.

    The Yosemite certainly delivered! It has continued to be a best seller in both online and brick and mortar stores in the United States. These are the reasons why users love the Yosemite:

    Brews the best tasting coffee on camping trips or when living off-grid

    Takes about 25 minutes to brew, but well worth it

    Can be used even without electricity

    Can also be used to boil water

    Durable interior and overall construction.

    No need for filters

    Easy to clean, dishwasher-safe

    Presto 02822 Stainless-Steel Coffee Percolator


    Type: Electric

    Capacity: 6-cup or 12-cup variants

    Material: Stainless steel, aluminum bottom

    Filter: Disposable

    Presto has been in business since 1905. The company specializes in making pressure cookers, but it has expanded to other cookware throughout the years.

    The Presto 02822 is a 500-watt electric percolator that promises to make great tasting coffee fast. Why do users love it?


    Brews in about 8 minutes

    Easy to use

    Stays hot for hours

    Space saver

    Responsive customer service

    West Bend 54159 Classic Stainless Steel Electric Coffee Percolator


    Type: Electric

    Capacity: 12-cups

    Material: Stainless steel

    Filter: Disposable

    West Bend is another old and reputable company with its roots tracing back to 1911. It specializes in electric kitchen appliances.

    The West Bend 54159 is a 950-watt electric percolator that's loved by users for the following reasons:

    Brews in about 10 minutes

    Simple mechanism, no confusing buttons

    Detachable power cord

    Spout does not spill

    Stays hot for hours

    A coffee percolator doesn't have all the bells and whistles that an automatic drip coffee maker has. Most of these machines are simple and require a certain amount of attention to operate. But in the end, it's all about the taste. Many aficionados swear by the taste that a percolator produces. After all, what good is coffee if it tastes like mud?






















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